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EverQuest II Instanced Zone Information
Introduced Shattered Lands
Level Range 50+
Access Quest none
Zone in from Permafrost
Parent Zone Drayek's Chamber
Difficulty Raid x4
Failure Lockout none
Success Lockout 18 hours
Quests NPCs Monsters Names
Drops   POIs Discos

What does this information mean?

For the instance involved in the Prismatic Weapon Timeline, see Drayek's Chamber: Throne of the Kromise King.

Once upon a time, an access quest, Drayek's Chamber, was required to enter this instance, but that is no longer needed.

This raid consists of three waves: golems, wolves, and Drayek himself. The only one that presents any degree of difficulty is Drayek.

Bring the raid out of the entry hallway and into the chamber. (The mobs will not aggro while you remain outside the room.) Kill the golems. Wait the prescribed time period and then kill the wolves. Wait another interval. Kill Drayek.

Drayek has a knockback and calls heroic adds a couple times during the fight. Position the main tank against one of the columns along the chamber walls and the rest of the raid against an adjacent column. The idea is that when the knockback hits, people will hit the column or wall instead of flying across the chamber and outside of heal/rez range.
